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Dunholme Village


Dunholme Ladies Club

The next meeting of Dunholme Ladies Club will be on 4th July 2024. As we all know the General Election will be taking place that day and the Jubilee room at the village hall is used as a polling station. But don’t worry ladies our meeting will still take place a normal so please come along as usual. The meeting will start at 7.30pm and is in the main hall of Dunholme Village Hall.

Sue Rawson 862552

Jumble Sale

The next sale will take place on Saturday 20th July 2024 at Dunholme Village Hall starting at 1.00pm. The jumble sale is in aid of Toys for Children in Lincoln and The Shoebox Appeal. Don’t forget you can bring any items along to the hall on the morning of the sale.

Sue Rawson 862552


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Patients and Doctors Association

Dates for our events in 2024 are:


Autumn Fayre                                Saturday 26th October

Christmas Lunch                          Friday 6th December     



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2nd Thursday of Every Month
From 9.00am—12.00pm
Welton Village hall
Ryland Road
Welton LN2 3LU
Facebook—welton-by-lincoln parish council



This notice is to advise you that Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department has approved a temporary road closure on Holmes Lane (Part) from the junction of Market Rasen Road to the junction with Watery Lane for the following period.



PERIOD OF CLOSURE:  08.00 Hrs to 18.00 Hrs




Market Rasen Road, Ryland Road, Watery Lane  & Vice Versa


The purpose of the temporary road closure is to provide safety for the Dunholme Village Fete.

Arrangements will be made to enable pedestrians to access premises in the area while the event takes place.

If you reside in the area affected by the road closure you may wish to consider moving any vehicles outside the area prior to event times shown above.

David Rosier – (on behalf of the Committee)

2 Ryland Road, Dunholme.


Dunholme Camera Club


Here we are in the throws of summer, Well we should be but at the time of writing I'm afraid we are still awaiting its arrival ? The camera club is now getting well into the annual calendar and we have seen some amazing images this year produced by our members for the competitions we have had and the talks that the members have done at the club. We always look to welcome new members to attend at the club on a Thursday night (Full calendar of what we do is on the home page of our web site and you can contact me from the contact page or the number below)


Looking at the meetings in July we have our "Battles Competition" against Pinchbeck and Deepings Camera Clubs on the 4th July, this is an interclub competition that brings together the Camera Clubs of Lincolnshire to choose 15 of their finest images and put them against 2 other clubs, there is 3 rounds which are held in May, June and July with a final later in the year, Dunholme Camera Club has done well in their first 2 rounds coming first on both occasions, so lets hope our competition on the 4th July can reward us with a further win and hopefully a place in the final. Right moving onto our 2nd meeting in July which is on the 18th which is a club competition which is "Creative Competition" the members can choose whatever subject they want and will be presenting it in a digital form projected onto our large club screen. Our final meeting of the month is a talk by 2 of our long standing members Avril and Chris who will be showing us some of their images and explaining how, where and what they did to achieve the images. Should be a great night.


As previously mentioned, if you are interested in photography or just looking at other peoples images do come along and see what we do at the club one Thursday night we are a friendly bunch of people enjoying our pastime of Photography.


Grahame Dunkin  07501 259001



Music of 50’s, 60’s & 70’s

   Dust off your favourite vinyl or listen to good tunes brought by others.

No records? No problem, just come along.

Please feel able to bring your own tipple and nibbles.

soft or not!!  All are welcome!  We look forward to seeing you!

St. Mary’s Church, Welton

 Thursday 4th July from 7.30pm 

Carol and Glyn 862358 

St Chads Church , Dunholme

Every 3rd Thursday in the month

Next -Thursday 18th July 2024

7:30pm until late


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