Image description

Dunholme Village



Background picture taken of havesting in a corn field on Honeyholes Lane August 2014


Susie Mendel, Secretary, Nettleham Woodland TrustRegistered Charity Number 111985418 Beech Avenue, Nettleham LN2 2PP.  Tel: 01522-751283Email: David Cotten Chair Email: dmc206cc@yahoo.comRod Newborough Woodland Advisor Email: 

Dunholme Parish Council

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 3rd June 2024 in the Jubilee Room of the village hall.  We welcomed David Tapper onto the Council as our newest co-opted Parish Councillor and he has already started getting involved in the various projects being undertaken by the Council.  There is still a vacant seat – if you are interested in joining us, please contact the Clerk for an application form.


Grass cutting and Weed Spraying

The Parish Council have recently engaged a new contractor for grass cutting in the village - part of that responsibility involves a great deal of Strimming around the village of which the trees, fencing, hedging, poles etc need to be strimmed as close to the base as possible to prevent damage when strimming particularly to Tree's (bark) and resident's boundary fences & hedges.


As a consequence, the most effective option is to spray around the bases  with an appropriate weedkiller - In this instance, the Parish Council have spoken to the contactor regarding areas in the village which we think has received an excessive application of the spray and have met around different sites in the village and discussed the level to which weed control will take place going forwards.  It will not be to the extent that it has been done this month.


We appreciate it is unsightly however once the vegetation has died back all that will be seen is a small area of bare soil.  The type of weedkiller is commonly used in the industry and will not cause loss of Hedgerows.


We have also received a number of emails regarding areas in the village being missed in the grass cutting runs.  If this occurs near you, please let the Clerk know as all messages and concerns are passed onto the contractor.


Recycling and Sustainability

The Parish Council are carrying on with their recycling theme this month and have arranged for a clothes bank to be placed in the village hall car park.  It is hoped that this will be installed in the very near future.  The Parish Council will receive a cash donation for clothes and shoes deposited in the clothes bank and this money will be used for projects around the village.


We are also looking into other ways to reuse where possible.


The recycling point in the village hall is still being very well used and the collection boxes can be found in the hall foyer. Here’s a reminder of what we can accept:

Medicinal blister packs – please ensure all medication is removed

Writing instruments – old pens, markers, highlighters, felt tips, mechanical pencils.

All household batteries including “button” batteries for watches.

Ink cartridges – any make, but no laser or toner cartridges.

Please see the hall noticeboard for full details of exactly what can and cannot be accepted. For any further information please contact Julie Guest at


Next meeting

The next meeting of Dunholme Parish Council will take place on Monday 1st July 2024 at 7.30 in the Jubilee Room on the Village Hall.  The first 15 minutes of the meeting is open to the public to address the council with any comments or reports they wish to raise.


Contact Details:-


Clerk – Laura Richardson

Email –

Telephone – 01673 895111

Website –






Monday 9.00am – 12.00pm

Tuesday       1.00 – 6.00pm

Wednesday CLOSED

Thursday  9.00am – 1.00pm



1st Saturday of each month

10.00am – 12.00pm


Patient’s and Doctor’s Associaton

Following on from appeal last month for help with the PDA fund raising events, to date I have had no response! This is disappointing as we really want to continue with these events which partially fund the transport scheme and also provide equipment for the health centre which is of benefit to all patients. All we ask is a few hours 2 or 3 times a year!

We hold 4 events a year. 2 lunches- Spring and Christmas which are held on Fridays, our Autumn Fayre which is held on a Saturday in October and a Grand Christmas raffle drawn in December. The lunches and Autumn Fayre are held in Welton Village Hall.

If you think you may be interested but want to know more about what is involved, please give me a call with no obligation, and I will endeavour to answer any questions you have.  Janet Goddard (862570)

The final total for the plant sale which we held in May was a magnificent £672. This was thanks to all involved: - those who donated plants, stored plants, sold on the day, those who bought plants and those who sold the leftover plants from their own homes. This is by far a record amount raised so a big thank you to all concerned.

Our next event will be the Autumn Fayre to be held on Saturday 26th October. If anyone would like to hire a table for £10 to sell their own crafts etc at this event, please let me know. We can’t unfortunately accept cake sellers as we have our own cake stall, and no hot food sales in the hall! We also have our own raffle and tombola.

We will be asking for donations of cakes and pastries for both the cake stall and the café, tombola prizes and bottles, alcoholic or not, for the bottle stall. These could be anything in a bottle including unopened toiletries.

Dates for our events in 2024 are:

Autumn Fayre Saturday 26th October

Christmas Lunch Friday 6th December

Any further information on any of the above don’t hesitate to give me a call (862570) Janet Goddard



Flooding Risk

According to the Environment Agency, over two million people in England live and work in properties at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, whilst more face flood threats from groundwater, surface water, sewers, and reservoirs.

At Gocompare, we have put together a guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property -

In extreme conditions you won't be able to stop flood water, and you should always put personal safety above attempts to protect property and possessions. Despite this, there are steps that you can take to keep water out, to buy yourself time to preserve property and possessions, and to limit the damage that flood water does.

We think this information would be useful for your readers and wonder if you would consider linking to our guide at your page

Thank you for your support, we're extremely grateful.

Kind regards,

Catherine Bailey

Publisher Partner Manager 



Lincolnshire County Councillor:- 

 Sue Rawlin 01673 885545


West Lindsey District Councillor:-

Cllr Diane Rodgers  01673 863385

Cllr  Sebastion Hague 07538 962248

Cllr Paul Swift  07801 253706



Your Member of Parliament is

Right Honorable Sir Edward Leigh MP

House of Commons
Tel 02072196480

Or in the constituancy:
28 Queen Steet
Market Rasen
Tel: 01673849003