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Dunholme Village



Background picture taken of havesting in a corn field on Honeyholes Lane August 2014


Susie Mendel, Secretary, Nettleham Woodland TrustRegistered Charity Number 111985418 Beech Avenue, Nettleham LN2 2PP.  Tel: 01522-751283Email: David Cotten Chair Email: dmc206cc@yahoo.comRod Newborough Woodland Advisor Email: 

Dunholme Parish Council

New Play area – Honeyholes Lane


Installation is due to start on 20th August 2024 with the expected finish date to be round the middle of September (dependent on weather – let’s hope the sunshine is here to stay for a while longer).  We can’t wait to get this new venture open for all to enjoy.


Community Survey – Dunholme Village Hall


Thank you all 700 people of you that replied to our community survey in relation to the village hall site improvements.  A final results document is being out together and will be shared with residents as soon as possible.


Dunholme Community Connexions


This is a new, free community initiative, which will be run in connection with the NHS Mental Health & Well-Being Transformation Programme and Bridge in Lincoln, and is intended as a friendly, safe and relaxing space where you can simply come along, enjoy a free tea or coffee and a chat, whilst listening to some relaxing music.  (You are welcome to bring your own lunch!)   

If you need some extra help and support with Benefit or Debt Advice, Job Applications, C.V. Writing, Anxiety Issues or something else you might be struggling with at the moment or just want someone to talk to then please come along and if not, then that is fine, just come along anyway. We will have a number of professional people on site at different times, with experience and expertise in a wide range of issues, who will be able to help you in a confidential and accessible way.    

So, if you are out of work, lonely, anxious or simply want to get out of the house and meet some new people, then why not pop down to the Jubilee Room at the rear of Dunholme Village Hall, Honeyholes Lane on a Wednesday lunchtime, anytime between 11 am and 1 pm.  

Sessions will initially run every fortnight, over a trial period of 12 weeks, commencing on 11th September. (11th Sept, 25th Sept, 9th Oct, 23rd Oct, 6th Nov, 20th Nov) 

If you are interested and would like some more information, then please contact Sarah on: 01526 895111 extn. 104.  Also, look out for further updates on Facebook, NextDoor and the Dunholme Coop noticeboard in the coming days. 


Recycling and Sustainability


Following feedback from residents that they are not able to donate blister packs easily due to the village hall opening times.  We have added a letterbox to the entrance of the village hall for you to drop your blister packs into.

The Parish Council is not only committed to reducing waste wherever possible in our village, but also to sustainability practices aimed at promoting well-being for our environment and village community.   Our new Sustainability Policy is now available on Parish Council website.

For any further information please contact Julie Guest @


Village Planter sponsorship


Many thanks to Chestnut Homes and Ashlin Farm Barns for their sponsorship of

some of the village planters.

Their contributions help to cover the cost of the replacement and maintenance

of the planters for the year.

If you are interested in sponsorship please contact the Clerk.

The locations still available are:-

- Mainwaring Clos, Lincoln Road/Wentworth Drive, Honeyholes Lane and Merleswen/Honeyholes Lane


Next meeting


The next meeting of Dunholme Parish Council will take place on Monday 9th 

September 2024 at 7.30 in the Jubilee Room on the Village Hall.  The first 15

minutes of the meeting is open to the public to address the council with any

comments or reports they wish to raise.


Contact Details:-


Clerk – Laura Richardson

Email –

Telephone – 01673 895111

Website –





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Monday 9.00am – 12.00pm

Tuesday       1.00 – 6.00pm

Wednesday CLOSED

Thursday  9.00am – 1.00pm



1st Saturday of each month

10.00am – 12.00pm


Patient’s and Doctor’s Associaton

Following on from my appeal last month for help with the PDA fund raising events, to date I have had 4 ladies come forward who are willing to assist with our fund-raising events. This is an excellent result and they will be joining us at our next event, the Autumn Fayre where they will get the chance to see the layout of the kitchen at Welton Village Hall in preparation for the Christmas lunch. I am really grateful to them for offering to help!


At the time of writing this in mid-July I have 3 main prizes offered for the Christmas raffle and can now get the tickets printed. We still need more prizes (we usually have around 35 promised) so if anyone has a business or contacts with a business who they think would be willing to offer a prize please let me know and I am happy to make contact. It could be the garage who services your car, the golf club you belong to, the gym where you have membership, the restaurant/ pub you visit regularly. The list is endless!

Our next event will be the Autumn Fayre to be held on Saturday 26th October. If anyone would like to hire a table for £10 to sell their own crafts etc at this event, please let me know. We have already had some tables reserved but can still fit a few more in. We can’t unfortunately accept cake sellers as we have our own cake stall, and no hot food sales in the hall! We also have our own raffle and tombola.


We are also asking for donations of cakes and pastries for both the cake stall and the café, tombola prizes, small gifts for Trash or Treasure and bottles of wine for the wine or water stall which is always popular. If you need any further information don’t hesitate to give me a call. Any donations you have can be collected!


Dates for our events in 2024 are:

Autumn Fayre Saturday 26th October 2pm to 4.30pm

Christmas Lunch Friday 6th December

Any further information on any of the above don’t hesitate to give me a call (862570) Janet Goddard




Flooding Risk

According to the Environment Agency, over two million people in England live and work in properties at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, whilst more face flood threats from groundwater, surface water, sewers, and reservoirs.

At Gocompare, we have put together a guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property -

In extreme conditions you won't be able to stop flood water, and you should always put personal safety above attempts to protect property and possessions. Despite this, there are steps that you can take to keep water out, to buy yourself time to preserve property and possessions, and to limit the damage that flood water does.

We think this information would be useful for your readers and wonder if you would consider linking to our guide at your page

Thank you for your support, we're extremely grateful.

Kind regards,

Catherine Bailey

Publisher Partner Manager 



Lincolnshire County Councillor:- 

 Sue Rawlin 01673 885545


West Lindsey District Councillor:-

Cllr Diane Rodgers  01673 863385

Cllr  Sebastion Hague 07538 962248

Cllr Paul Swift  07801 253706



Your Member of Parliament is

Right Honorable Sir Edward Leigh MP

House of Commons
Tel 02072196480

Or in the constituancy:
28 Queen Steet
Market Rasen
Tel: 01673849003