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Dunholme Village


Background picture taken of havesting in a corn field on Honeyholes Lane August 2014

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The Parish Church of Dunholme is dedicated to St Chad.

There has been a church on this site for at least 700 years and there may have been a worshipping community in the village for even longer.  The fact that the Doomsday Book (1087) makes no mention of the church in Dunholme does not necessarily mean that no church existed.  It is one of 31 churches dedicated to St Chad, a native of Northumbria

The Bishop of Lincoln is pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Lynne Hawkins as Vicar of Welton, Dunholme & Scothern and Priest in Charge of The Owmby Group in the diocese of Lincoln.

The licensing service will take place in the Autumn, with the Bishop of Grimsby and the Archdeacon of Stow & Lindsey officiating.


Revd Lynne Hawkins


Lynne has had a varied career, firstly training as a nursery school teacher and more recently owning her own celebration and cupcake business. She was authorised as an ALM in 2009 and spent many happy years in the Bain Valley Group, with a particular focus on music and work with children and families. She began training at the Lincoln School of Theology in 2016 and graduated with a BA (Hons) degree in Theology, Ministry and Mission in January 2023.

Lynne moved to Horncastle with her husband and three youngest children in 2020 to serve her curacy in the Horncastle Group and this has been a really rich and rewarding time, with many opportunities to continue to explore her passion for music and children’s work, alongside many new and exciting opportunities.

In her spare time Lynne loves running and crochet (not at the same time!) and spending quality time with her family and friends. Coffee and cake are usually quite high on the agenda! She is very excited to start this new chapter of her ministry and the whole family are looking forward to becoming part of the community in the WDS group.


St Chad’s Church Notices

Other bits of church news, which may be helpful to you, can be found on our Facebook Page under “St Chads Church Dunholme” or our web page where you will also find the most up to date information and details of any number of services including “the 4 o’clock Shine” and other services that you may have an interest.

4 o’clock Shine

The 4 o’clock Shine is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration, and hospitality.

In October–Activities will be on Sunday 6th and 20th October

Where is it?

Normally held at Dunholme, St Chad’s Church of England Primary School (but see above) and as the name implies it is at 4.00 pm and everyone is welcome.  Look at our website shown above and follow the links for more information.

Funerals, Weddings and Baptisms

For enquiries in relation to funerals, weddings and baptisms the first point of contact for St Chad’s is the Deanery Office on 07468 149695, or by e-mail at

Three Churches Pray

During October St Mary’s, St Chad’s and St Germain’s churches in our Benefice will be praying for Dunholme streets as follows.

Ryland Road (Dunholme) only.

If you would like to join us as prayer triplets or just know a bit more before you make up your mind, please contact Glyn on 862358 or Dave on 860986.

Vinyl Night

Come along to share in music and community at St Chad’s Church in Dunholme every third Thursday of the month – next is 17th October

Dust off your favourite vinyl or listen to good tunes brought by others.

Do not forget to bring any refreshments - soft or not!!

All are welcome









6th Oct

19th Sunday after Trinity


Scothern: Morning Worship


Dunholme: Morning Worship


Welton: Holy Communion




13th Oct

20th Sunday after Trinity


Dunholme: Holy Communion


Welton: Morning Worship


Welton: Evening Prayer




20th Oct

21st Sunday

after Trinity


Scothern: BCP


Dunholme: Morning Worship


Welton: Holy Communion




27th Oct

Bible Sunday


Dunholme: Holy Communion


Welton: Morning Worship


Dunholme: Encounter

St Chad’s Church improvements – Toilets and Washroom

Over the past 6 years St Chad’s Church Council, in consultation with National Amenity Societies, the Church Buildings Council, West Lindsey District Council and the Diocese of Lincoln to develop plans for improvements, repair and restoration to this Grade 1 listed building.

The first phase of the work relates to the creation of new toilet facilities located in the position of the old boiler room located on the north side of the tower (see image below).  The old boiler room will be carefully demolished and extended using as much of the reclaimed stonework as possible to ensure that the finished build will be in keeping with the existing Church.

Access to the new facilities will be via a new doorway in the north west corner of church.

Independent heating will be installed into this new build which will provide two toilets, one fully accessible and a washroom with hot and cold water.
The following drawings show the north view elevation and the plan view of the new facilities.


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Food for all – a harvest reflection 

I like to grow fruit and veg in my garden. I’ve had some really tasty beetroot, broccoli, lettuce, leeks, tomatoes, beans, apples, and herbs. At Welton Larder we often receive donations of fresh produce from people’s gardens and allotments. We share this out with those who come to the Larder.

The harvest we share though, is not just in produce it is also in lives changed. This is through sharing, hospitality, community, and caring for one another. Our values are rooted in appreciating all who visit us. It’s the same in church. Try and imagine heaven on earth, walking through the golden gates, and finding life to be more than you imagined or hoped. This is what we strive for.

So here we are, it’s the season of harvest festivals where we give thanks to God for the harvest of the earth and for all those involved in its production. The corn is in, but there is more to gather. It’s also the season where we give produce to Food Banks, to help those with little or no food. Over the years many have been blessed by your generosity.

This year, I’d like to ask if you would consider growing a few crops yourself? This autumn onion and garlic sets can be planted, and autumn varieties of broad bean and garden peas can be sown, or maybe plant a fruit tree. Not only could you enjoy healthy fresh produce, but you may even have some spare.

In the Bible we are reminded to give thanks to God for the abundance of everything. Earlier I used the word hospitality. Sharing with others in your harvest is one of life’s most important treasures, it helps create and maintain community. It’s a way of saying thank you. And as we feed the earth, so we also we care for the children and life of tomorrow. It is what God intended all along.


May you be blessed in the sharing of your harvest and through your caring for the earth.

Revd. Paul


St Chad’s now have the funds available and work is expected to start in September. We are grateful to the financial support provided through local fundraising, donations, pledges and grants from The Garfield Weston Foundation, John Warren Foundation, The Kochan Trust, The Marshalls Charity, The Benefact Trust and the Laing Family Trust.

Following completion of these improvements there are several other phases of work to be carried out and we will keep you informed as developments progress and also invite you to get involved.  


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Update on St Chad’s Church improvements  –

New Toilets, Washroom and Storage

On 9th September work commenced to carefully take down the old lean-to boiler house on the north side of the tower (see image). The intention is to incorporate as much of the reclaimed stone including the leaded window and the dressed stone arch in the extended building to facilitate two toilets, one fully accessible, washroom and store area.  These plans were published in the September edition of the Dunholme News however, should you wish to see the finer details the full plans are on display within St Chad’s Church.

The improvement to the grade one listed building is just the start and we are already working on plans for the next phase of work. This will ensure that the building remains water tight by repairing the roof and lead work, improved guttering downpipes and drainage.  We will keep you informed of the progress and future plans as we move forward

Shared Experiences.


The last week of the school summer holidays our grandson came to stay for a few days inevitably the thought sprung in our minds what activities are we going to do to prevent boredom setting in. However, as it transpired, we needn’t have worried as everything turned out successfully.

The first day we had an excursion to the coast at Sutton on Sea and Benjamin enjoyed making sandcastles and going for a paddle to explore the pools for crabs as well as collecting shells. Several other families were there too enjoying the experience and relaxation that a trip to the seaside provides.

The next day armed with his bucket Benjamin walked to the village beck and was impatient to catch some minnows but was unsuccessful as they were elusive retreating to the safety of the bridge culverts, but he did manage to catch some freshwater shrimps. As he trudged bare footed in the beck memories came flooding back of my childhood lowering stringed jam jars from the bridge parapet to catch minnows and sticklebacks. Eventually we made our way to the pond where he fed the hungry ducks with a mixture of oats, muesli, and digestive biscuits. We noticed that the only ducks which came for food were the females and the drakes were nowhere to be seen.

The last day we visited a wildlife park as a year had elapsed since our last visit. Some new attractions included black Colombian spider monkeys who demonstrated their athletic prowess on the suspended ropes like trapeze artists and a panther chameleon which has a florescent rainbow coloured skin. We particularly enjoyed the talk and feeding of their collection of Humbolt penguins some of which started to dive and splash in anticipation of feeding. We chuckled as one of them stole a sprat from the feeding bucket as much to say, ‘Come on that’s enough talking we need feeding’.

A positive outcome of our shared experiences was bridging the generation gap and a deepening of our bond and relationship.

Jesus used the example of a child to his disciples when they were arguing who was the greatest amongst them.

‘Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and had him stand beside him. Then he said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all is the greatest”. (NIV Luke 9: 47-48)


Ted Willows-Chamberlin

ALM WDS Benefice.


The Institution, Induction and Licensing of 

The Revd. Lynne Hawkins

The Revd. Lynne Hawkins Licensing took place on Wednesday 11 September 2024 at St Mary Church, Welton as the Vicar of the Benefice of Welton and Dunholme with Scothern and Priest in Charge of the Owmby Group in the Lawres Mission Partnership.

St Mary’s Church was full to bursting for the Service which was led by the Bishop of Grimsby, the Rt. Revd. David Court, which was followed by light refreshments served at Welton Methodist Chapel.

We welcome Lynne and her family to our community and for all the love and support she will bring.


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Welton and Dunholme Methodist Church

Sunday Services in October

Start 10.30

Followed by coffee


All are Welcome

6th Rev. Martin Amery

13th Duncan Franks

20th Rev. Martin Amery

27th Own Arrangements


Coffee Mornings

We open every Wednesday and Saturday from 10.00 – 11.30am. There is a varied selection of drinks to choose from with free biscuits on offer. It is a great place to meet friends and make new ones. Why not pop in and enjoy the buzz of conversation.


Film Club

September was our first Film Club after the summer break and it was good to welcome back lots of our regulars as well as see some new faces. With the Olympics in mind we looked for a film with a sporting theme and decided on ‘Invictus’. This starred Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon and tells the story of South Africa hosting the Rugby World Cup. Nelson Mandela had just begun his presidency and used rugby as one of the ways to help heal the rifts of apartheid. It proved to be a good choice with some of our members saying it was one of the best films they had seen. Praise indeed.

 Our next film will be shown on October 3rd beginning as usual at 2.00pm and followed by afternoon tea, this is open to all so please come along and give it a try. To book a seat or for more information please ring 860998.


Toys for Christmas

As I wrote in last month’s News I am once again collecting toys for children from babies to teenagers to be used as Christmas gifts to struggling families. Thank you to all who have already delivered items to my door I am very grateful. I shall be collecting up until mid December so there is plenty of time. To help with distribution please leave the gifts unwrapped, they may also be left at the Chapel coffee mornings or at 16 Ryland Rd. Welton.


Ladies Fellowship

We start up again at 2.00pm on Thursday October 10th after our summer break.  This month we are to have a talk by Sharon Hall on Fraud Protection. Our meeting is open to all ladies so please feel free to come along and join us.




Letter from the Methodist Minister


When we look back over the past few months, they can seem a long time ago. The official popular music charts this summer were dominated by Sabrina Carpenter, whilst Taylor Swift 's concerts in Europe attracted massive attention.  In sport, after an awkward start, the Olympics became the world stage where athletes from many sports’ broke world records.  Another record broken was for the highest global temperature...again.

We look back on memorable moments, knowing that when some things end, others begin.  September saw the start of the academic year, and also the new Methodist year.  It also saw the start of shops selling Christmas merchandise – mince pies were on the shelves in some supermarkets 120 days before the day itself!  (They will certainly be out of date before 25th of December!)


Whether looking backwards or looking forward, we risk forgetting about the here and now – the actual moment we're living in.  A poem that reflects the importance of living in the moment is by the Welsh poet, W.H. Davies entitled, "Leisure".  You may know it from the first two lines:  What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?


There are so many events taking place all over the world that we can risk missing the very things happening right where we are.  Likewise, with so many things we need to plan for, we might forget to appreciate the simple beauty of the sun rising and setting. 

Davies' short poem ends: A poor life this if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.    Richard




Welton & Dunholme Methodist Church


Our Chapel was founded by a young Wesleyan preacher by the name of John Hannah in 1815.  He was the third son of a local coal merchant whose parents were both Wesleyan Methodists, so it is probably not a surprise that he became a Minister himself at a young age in 1814, when he began preaching in the villages surrounding Lincoln.  He was noted as an impressive preacher and a ready public speaker of unusual eloquence and ability who twice held the office of President of the Wesleyan Conference, first in 1842 and then again in 1851.  He travelled extensively, twice visiting the United States with the Wesleyan Conference of Great Britain as a representative of English Methodism along with numerous positions in the United Kingdom, both as a Minister and a theological tutor at parishes as varied as Stoke Newington, Hoxton and Didsbury in Yorkshire.

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John Hannah

Community Bible Study

Dunholme CBS have welcomed five new members this year, and we kept having to go back to our printers for more study books, which was a lovely problem to have!  We studied Acts and it has been one of the best studies we have done.  We learned how the Holy Spirit emboldened the Disciples, and how the early church grew and developed, spreading not just among the Jews, but among the Gentiles too.  We also looked at the various adventures of Paul, taking inspiration from the way he spoke to everyone he met about Jesus.  Where would we be without these faithful servants of God?

Next year we will be going back to the beginning of the Old Testament, studying Genesis.  It is so helpful to discuss the passage together, we often learn as much from each other as from the Bible.  We come from seven different churches, so our discussions can be very diverse… and are punctuated by gales of laughter! 

We meet in person at Dunholme Old School on Wednesday mornings (term-time) from 9.30-11.30.  Our first meeting of the new year is on 18th September, when there will be a brief introduction to the study and plenty of tea, coffee and cake; we would love you to join us.  We also have a group that meets on Zoom for those who can’t get out.  There are several other CBS groups in Lincoln too, meeting on different days, and times, studying different books of the Bible.  For more details please contact me on 07952 425042, or 01673 866467.

If you have ever wondered about the Bible, and are interested in what it says, do come and join us. No Bible “expertise” is necessary at CBS, even if you have never studied it before, you would still be welcome – all you need is a willingness to look at the questions and join in with the discussion.  We look forward to meeting you.

Jane Hutchinson


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The Institution, Induction and Licensing of Revd Lynne Hawkins@ St Mary’s Church Welton by Lincoln


On the evening of Wednesday 11th September, the Rt Revd. David Court, Bishop of Grimsby licensed the Reverend Lynne Hawkins as Vicar of St Mary’s Welton together with the churches of St Germaine’s Scothern and St Chad’s Dunholme. In addition, she will also be Priest-in-Charge of the 5 Churches within the Owmby Group.

The bells rang out loud and clear to welcome Revd Lynne to St Mary’s Church which was filled with members of the congregations from each of her parishes, and she was also supported by 20 clergy together with a large group of well- wishers from her last Parish.

Revd Lynne comes to us following her role as Curate at St Mary’s Church Horncastle and we are delighted to welcome her along with her husband Anthony and her family to our worshipping community and we wish her well as they all settle into the Vicarage at Dunholme.

The evening concluded with refreshments   at a reception in the Methodist Chapel, and our thanks go out to the many helpers both before, during and after the service.

 (The enclosed photo - left to right - shows the following - Our Rural Dean Revd. Penny Green.  Revd David Court the Bishop of Grimsby, Revd Carol Jones, REVD. LYNNE HAWKINS, Revd Sue Deakin, Revd Paul Maple, Revd Jess   Bellshaw and Suzanne Maple - Reader)


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