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Dunholme Village


Background picture taken of havesting in a corn field on Honeyholes Lane August 2014

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The Parish Church of Dunholme is dedicated to St Chad.

There has been a church on this site for at least 700 years and there may have been a worshipping community in the village for even longer.  The fact that the Doomsday Book (1087) makes no mention of the church in Dunholme does not necessarily mean that no church existed.  It is one of 31 churches dedicated to St Chad, a native of Northumbria

St Chad’s Church Notices

Other bits of church news, which may be helpful to you, can be found on our Facebook Page under “St Chads Church Dunholme” or our web page where you will also find the most up to date information and details of any number of services including “the 4 o’clock service” and other services that you may have an interest.


The 4 o’clock service


The 4 o’clock Service is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration, and hospitality.


In July - Activities will be on Sunday 21st 


Where is it?

Normally held at Dunholme, St Chad’s Church of England Primary School (but see above) and as the name implies it is at 4.00 pm and everyone is welcome.  Look at our website shown above and follow the links for more information.


Funerals, Weddings and Baptisms


For enquiries in relation to funerals, weddings and baptisms the first point of contact for St Chad’s is the Deanery Office on 07468 149695, or by e-mail at




During July St Mary’s, St Chad’s and St Germain’s churches in our Benefice will be praying for Dunholme streets as follows.

Barrett Close, Honeyholes Lane, Arrow Mews and Hampden Road.

If you would like to join us or just want to know a bit more before

you make up your mind, please contact Glyn on 862358 or Dave on 860986.

Vinyl Night


Come along to share in music and community at St Chad’s Church in Dunholme every third Thursday of the month – next is 18th July.


Dust off your favourite vinyl or listen to good tunes brought by others.

Do not forget to bring any refreshments - soft or not!!

All are welcome









7th July

Trinity 6


Dunholme: Joint Benefice Service

Holy Communion




14th July

Trinity 7


Scothern: Joint Benefice Service

Holy Communion


Welton: Evening Prayer




21st July

Trinity 8


Dunholme: Joint Benefice Service

Holy Communion




28th July

Trinity 9


Welton: Joint Benefice Service

Holy Communion


Dunholme: Encounter




St Chads Christian Aid

The St Chads Christian Aid collection raised £447.77. Thank you so much and thank you to all our helpers.

We meet on Sundays in St Chads at 10.30am and you are all warmly invited to join us

Janet Caunt


Churches of Welton, Dunholme and Scothern -

Benefice letter for July editions 

Nurture or Nature

Do you remember blowing Dandelion-Clock seed heads, or putting a buttercup under your chin to see it glow, making daisy chains? Simple things from younger times. Recently I read about a father who would collect wildflower seeds, mix them with claggy wet soil to make seed bombs and then encouraged his children to catapult them into wild places. Over the years a small, abandoned field became an amazing wildflower meadow. A meadow that fed a multitude of other species.

I read somewhere that those who love the earth love their children and grandchildren. You may remember that right at the start of the Bible, upon seeing the animals, the fish, the birds, God’s desire was for them to be fruitful and multiply. The actions of this dad helped his children learn to appreciate the natural world and encouraged a meadow to be fruitful and multiply. Learning to appreciate that we share the earth as home with all life is the first step to repairing habitat loss and degradation seen in our common home.


But how we repair, how we set about giving plants and animals and birds and butterflies a place to belong matters. To help is to see life as weak, to fix is to see life as broken, to serve is to see life as a whole, one in which we all belong. The book “Wild Service” describes it like this: “If we look at nature as powerless and needing our help, then we see it as weak. It is neither of those things. What is broken is our relationship with nature … that is the weakness which deserves our attention.”


At The 4 O’clock Club, during term time in St Chad’s School, we provide a mix of creative and environmental activities, games, and food for all the family (see church services for details). Through these actions we help our children to learn to appreciate that we all belong. Belong to one another, to the world in which we live and to God. This is our first step to nurturing our relationship with nature and one another. For a taster, why not pop along to the craft tent at Dunholme Village Fete, Sunday July 13th.

Warmest wishes, Revd. Paul


Revd Paul Maple.  Associate Priest, Benefice of Welton, Dunholme and Scothern

( 01673 866213/8



In July due to the availability of Clergy there will only be one weekly Holy Communion Service in the Benefice which will rotate around the three churches.


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Welton & Dunholme Methodist Church

Sunday Services in July

Begin at 10.30am. & followed by coffee.

A warm welcome to all.
7th         Rev. Richard Mottershead H.C.

Strawberry Tea 4.00pm Sunday July 7th

Short service followed by afternoon tea

Including Strawberries & Cream.  £5.00

14th     Duncan Franks

21st Rev. Martin Amery

28th Rev. Alan Robson

Coffee Mornings

Why not pop along for coffee…We’re open every Wednesday & Saturday from 10.00 – 11.30am. We serve a good selection of beverages plus free biscuits.

Ladies Fellowship

At our June meeting we each researched a famous woman from the early 20th century. We had everything from the first woman doctor to Enid Blyton and lots in between; a very interesting afternoon. Our July get together will start at the earlier time of 1.00pm as we will be having a shared lunch. We will meet at 16 Ryland Road, Welton if the weather warms up we shall be in the garden.


At this time of year, the calendar is full of summer sporting events - not forgetting the Euro 2024 tournament!  Each sport has its followers who encourage the competitors from the side lines.  Jurgen Klopp (the outgoing Liverpool manager) said that the vocal backing of the fans was so powerful that it was like having an extra man on the pitch! 

For every competitor, knowing that others are there cheering you on can make a huge difference.  


We all know how important it is to feel that we are supported, especially when things are hard or times are difficult.  One of the characters in the bible who offered support actually had a name with that meaning -  Barnabas ('son of encouragement').  Many charities today carry that name to show that they are there to offer hope and support for those in need . Similarly, children are taught from an early age to 'treat others as you would want to be treated yourself'.  

When we think of all those who have, or do, encourage us, let us also try to be there to support others in the same way. There are different ways to show encouragement, from a simple smile to a small gift.   For example, I've just received  a text from  a team of knitters, letting me know that they have made over 60 scarves and snoods for those sleeping rough this autumn.  The knitters and the wearers will never meet, but those wearing them know that someone cares enough to make something they need.  I in turn pass their thanks on to the knitters, who knowing their gifts are so appreciated are encouraged to knit even more!

So, in the words of the Liverpool anthem,  let us make sure that we encourage others to "walk on through the storm ...with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone".

 Peter Mccree <>

Welton & Dunholme Methodist Church


Our Chapel was founded by a young Wesleyan preacher by the name of John Hannah in 1815.  He was the third son of a local coal merchant whose parents were both Wesleyan Methodists, so it is probably not a surprise that he became a Minister himself at a young age in 1814, when he began preaching in the villages surrounding Lincoln.  He was noted as an impressive preacher and a ready public speaker of unusual eloquence and ability who twice held the office of President of the Wesleyan Conference, first in 1842 and then again in 1851.  He travelled extensively, twice visiting the United States with the Wesleyan Conference of Great Britain as a representative of English Methodism along with numerous positions in the United Kingdom, both as a Minister and a theological tutor at parishes as varied as Stoke Newington, Hoxton and Didsbury in Yorkshire.

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John Hannah

Letter from the Methodist Minister

I recently started to do a 1,000 piece jigsaw.  I got so far and decided to call it a day.  I’d got the sides done and a few parts of the picture put together, but then I decided to stop.  I reasoned that I ought to finish having invested so much time in it, but decided that was not a valid reason to continue:  to continue would be enacting the sunk cost fallacy which I didn’t want to do.


What is the sunk cost fallacy?  A sunk cost is money or effort that has already been spent and cannot be recovered.  An example might be splashing out for a show at the theatre only to find it’s so bad that by the interval you want to go home.  The money for the show has been spent whether you watch the full show or not.  The fallacy is that you justify watching the second half in order to “get your money’s worth”.


Other examples include such things as Concorde, the American war in Vietnam, overeating due to buying too much or watching a TV series to the end because you’ve endured it so far!  Well, my jigsaw was becoming one of these phenomena . . . I could have done with some help!  So if you enjoy doing jigsaws just let me know and I’ll deliver this one to you – as long as you let me see the finished picture.


The jigsaw is an interesting puzzle, trying to appreciate where all the pieces go. You can glean some wisdom from doing a jigsaw: patience, endurance and excitement in seeing the picture materialise.  


I think life can be a bit like a jigsaw, trying to work out what the big picture is and how the pieces fit together.


God bless,


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