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Dunholme Village


Background picture taken of havesting in a corn field on Honeyholes Lane August 2014

Dunholme St Chad’s

Church of England Primary


Dunholme Pre-school

Helping every child achieve their potential. Led by a qualified Early years professional

All staff level 3 qualified as standard All staff trained in pediatric 1st aid

3 trained SENCo’s Exceeded staff:child ratio as standard.

2yr funding, 3&4 year funding and 30 hours all available

 With our educational and inspiring activities for children aged 2 years and over and a large outside play area, why not pay us a visit?   Call: 01673 866583 for details or email: for details

Everyone welcome, any time, always

Charity no: 1105178  The Mobile,  In the grounds of Dunholme St Chads.

Ryland Road, Dunholme  LN2 3NE

July at Dunholme St Chad’s


The end of our school year is almost upon us! We are in the midst of welcoming our September new starter families into school to slowly get to know one another and acclimatise the children into Dunholme  St Chad’s school life.

We are also preparing to say goodbye to our Year 6 class, with plenty of special school events lined up, just for them.

One of the most recent events was the Church School’s Festival in Lincoln Cathedral. This is a rite of passage for all Y6 pupils who attend church schools in the County. Our pupils enjoyed participating in the ‘I sing pop’ workshop in the Chapter House, completed various workshops in the Education Centre and learned many facts about the Cathedral during the tour. The festival culminated with a special service during which three of our pupils took part in a procession, proudly carrying our school banner and a candle, which was presented to us.

At the time of writing, we have just enjoyed a week of sporting activities. At times, the weather has not been favourable, but the children have persevered, regardless. All of the children started the week with an enrichment day, which focused on developing the children’s athletic skills. This certainly seemed to help the Y3 pupils who applied their skills two days later, when they attended the Mini Olympics at Grantham South Kesteven Sports Stadium. The children participated in a diverse range of sports, where they could showcase their talents. Some of our parents and grandparents attended the event and were incredibly impressed by the slick organisation and extensive programme. Our children participated in eight events. Their favourite was undoubtedly the ‘Royal Opera House’. During this activity, the children learned a dance routine, led by members of the ROH. The dance was based on the Olympic motto of ‘Stronger, Faster, Higher’. The children then performed this in the closing ceremony with the other 700 pupils who attended. The event enabled the children to discover new passions such as Boxercise, Badminton and Boccia as well as the opportunity to challenge themselves in familiar disciplines of Netball, Hockey and Athletics. Ethan said ‘I really liked throwing the whistle bomb. It’s technically a javelin’. The pupils (and staff) returned exhausted but all were in agreement that it was a fantastic day out.

Our week ended with our annual Sports Day. When I was appointed, this event was hailed as one of the highlights of the year and I can say that my first ever St Chad’s Sports Day lived up to the hype! It was wonderful to see so many parents and other family members on the school field. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the children process onto the field wearing their brightly coloured t-shirts, led by their House Captains to the tune of Survivor’s ‘Eye of the tiger’. The transition from one race to another was incredibly smooth and it was fantastic to hear the encouraging chants from the children as they cheered their teammates on. Sports Day was a start-to-finish thriller as 3 of our 4 houses were within 3 points of each other throughout the afternoon and the positions were only decided after the very last race! In the end, Hurricane prevailed. The pièce de resistance of the whole event for me was the tremendous effort from the FODS team. They worked incredibly hard to set up, cook and sell burgers, hotdogs, cakes and drinks to the families and even ordered an ice cream van, which had an enormous queue after the event, despite cold temperatures and threatening rain. All in all, it was another fabulous day in the St Chad’s calendar.


Upcoming Events in July:


2-3 July – William Farr Transition Days for Year 6 pupils

4 July – Year 2 Pedestrian training with local road safety officer Pam Street and parent volunteers.

9 July – Year 6 Leavers Activity day at Wildwood Pines Park

10- July – Year 4 Orienteering day in Monks Wood

13 July – Dunholme Village Fete: There will be a school display in the Old School, featuring some of our children’s artwork. Be sure to check it out!

16-17July - Year 5 and 6 will be performing the musical ‘Robin Hood & The Sherwood Hoodies’, where we discover the hilarious truth behind the legend of Robin Hood.

17 July – End of term & Year 6 Leaver’s disco. Run by our PTA ‘FODS’ to ensure all pupils see the year out with a bang!


18 July – We will be holding a special Year 6 Leavers’ service. Year 6 parents will be in attendance too at Dunholme St Chad’s Church.

19 July – Dunholme St Chad’s break up for the summer holidays!

For our latest news, you might like to check out our website


Mrs K Appleby Headteacher



Hackthorn C. of E. Primary



Hackthorn School

It has been another exciting start to the term at Hackthorn with the arrival of our new headteacher Mrs Lister.

Although she has only been in the building two weeks, she has already learnt all the children’s names, been swimming, held her first Good Work Assembly and been talking to the children about why our school is so special. Mrs Lister thanked all children, staff and parents for making her feel so welcome and said she already feels part of the Hackthorn family – adding that it is clearly a special place to be.


Our Key Stage Two youngsters are busy rehearsing for their production ‘Shakespeare Rocks’, and again the school is alive with music. The songs are exciting, modern and full of energy. Colourful costumes have been collected and Mrs Woods is very proud how all the children have been in learning their lines, cues and choreography.

Year 6 represented the school at the Church Schools Festival at Lincoln Cathedral, where they proved excellent ambassadors for Hackthorn School with impeccable behaviour, manners and enthusiasm. One of our Year 6 children was explaining to his peers about the legend of the Lincoln Imp and some members of the public were also listening. When he had finished, they gave him a round of applause as they were visitors to the city and were very impressed with his knowledge and explanation.

The netball team have been busy practicing for their upcoming friendly match with Dunholme St Chads and have been very dedicated, giving up their lunchtime play to practice.


Key Stage One pupils have been busy looking at world habitats; doing their own research in groups and choosing how to present it, using computer skills learned in previous lessons. They have made display boards to show their information which include diagrams, photos, lift the flaps and some 3D sections.

Key Stage One and Reception have also started their new English book ‘Tad’. The children were given the ‘blurb’ from the back of the book and a few slithers of a picture, and they then had to predict what the book could be about. We had anything from a flamingo to a monkey to a dinosaur egg. There was great delight when in fact it was revealed it is about a tadpole, as some of the children in Reception have tadpoles at home in their gardens.


Reception children have also created a map of the village, including the school, the church, tractors, a post box, houses, the war memorial, and of course the chickens we see on our visits to the church. The children have labelled their drawings using their phonic knowledge and they and the staff are very proud of their work of art.

If you would like to visit our school, please ring the school office on 01763860295 to make an appointment.

The Hackthorn Team


Lindsey u3a (Welton)


July, 2024 Newsletter (




Since the forthcoming General Election is due to take place on 4th July at Welton Village Hall, Lindsey u3a’s General Meeting will be brought forward a week to Thursday, 27th June so there will be NO MEETING IN JULY.

No matter what political affiliation you have, you will always be welcome at Lindsey u3a which endeavours to provide a wide range of activities, talks and opportunities to meet people and perhaps discuss affairs of the day in a relaxed atmosphere.

We meet at Welton Village Hall usually on the first Thursday of the month. You are invited with no obligation to one of our meetings. Doors open at 9.45am for tea/coffee followed by a speaker at 10.30am.  If you decide to come along for a look, tell someone on reception you are new and one of our friendly greeters will show you round and answer any questions.

On 27th June, at very short notice, our speaker will be Stephen Brown recounting his hair-raising experiences as a driving instructor with his amusing talk entitled “It’s Hell on Wheels” The drivers amongst us may need to brush up on the New Official Highway Code! Don’t worry you won’t be tested but you may well learn something new and that’s what Lindsey u3a is all about.

If you can’t join us on 27th June then you’ll have to wait until our meeting on 1st August to hear a talk by Annette MacKenzie called “Owling Mad” Any guesses as to what that could be about?

We offer various interest groups run by members for members. Check out our website to see if anything appeals to you.

u3a members can also join various online talks, workshops and courses. You can find out more from


If you can’t come to one of our general meetings you could join us at the ‘Gardeners’ Retreat’ tearoom at Scothern Nurseries for a  cuppa and a chat at 10.15am on the fourth Thursday of the month. The next coffee morning will take place on 25th July, 2024. Whether you’re a newcomer wanting to know more about Lindsey u3a or if you’re already a member and just fancy a cuppa, maybe a scone and a chat, do come along. Everyone is welcome.

Everything you need to know about Lindsey u3a can be found on our website You will find a comprehensive list of our interest groups, where and when they meet plus news about visits of local interest or theatre visits, lunches and holidays arranged by members for members.

Should you require any further information about Lindsey u3a please contact Mandy Murphy Tel: 01673 565295 



Best Wishes

Sheila Nash


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William Farr Church of England Comprehensive School

"William Farr Church of England Comprehensive
School is one of the best schools in the country at outperforming expectations for their pupils and improving their future prospects. There is plenty that other schools could learn from William Farr Church of England Comprehensive School's success." -  Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT


William Farr C of E Comprehensive School aims to provide the highest quality of education whereby everyone is encouraged to strive for excellence in all that they do and each student is known, valued and achieves as an individual. We will know that we have achieved our vision when:

Every student has the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding through a broad and balanced curriculum Every individual is confident and behaves in a way that reflects the Christian principles on which the school was founded.
Everyone knows they are valued.

William Farr Comprehensive School is a Church of England school for 11 - 18 year olds, located in the village of Welton, near Lincoln. It was opened in 1952 on the site of the RAF Dunholme Lodge, a WW2 bomber station, which had been bought for £600 in 1946 by William Farr, the vicar of Welton. The school was named after him when he died in 1955.  It acquired comprehensive status in 1974, and Grant Maintained status in 1992 - a scheme that was later abolished by the Labour government - and in 2000 William Farr signed up for the latest education initiative and attained Technology College status. It is also an associate school of the University of Lincoln. In 2001 William Farr achieved the distinction of having the best comprehensive school A-level results in England.
 In 2006 William Farr received an outstanding award in every category in an OFSTED inspection, the best in the country. In 2007 the school changed it Specialist Schools ad Academies Trust status to a Science College and added the additional distinctions of being a Leading Edge School and A Raising Achievement and Transforming Learning school. 
William Farr School is proud of its reputation for academic excellence and the high standards and expectations shared by all staff and pupils. We aim to provide a broad and balanced programme of study by which all pupils of whatever aptitude and ability can reach their highest standards of academic achievement and levels of qualification in public examinations and tests. 

We recognise that pupils mature academically at different times and that their interests change. We are concerned that pupils maintain as comprehensive a study base as possible and our curriculum is specifically designed to prevent over specialisation. In this way our pupils can keep their post 16+ options open. 

During the time pupils spend at William Farr the academic curriculum is organised to guide them into those subjects where they will develop the greatest sense of achievement and the best examination results 

The organisation of subjects in each year may vary because it has always been school policy to allow individual
Heads of Department and their staff the professional freedom to decide the most efficient way to teach their particular discipline from Year 7 to Year 13 and the GCSE and A level examinations.

Academic work is but one part of the `whole curriculum' at William Farr. It is essential that parents join the staff
in ensuring that pupil attitudes to their studies are supported by the school systems of welfare, guidance and care. The development and outlook of pupils are enhanced further by active involvement in the many ‘extra curricular' activities on offer at William Farr. 

A summary of each subject's curriculum is given below and we would emphasise to parents that they should always be aware that each year is not separate and isolated but part of a five or seven year integrated programme of study.

The result of the emphasis on quality and discipline can be measured by the consistency of examination success shared by all pupils at all levels of ability. In 2012, 77% of our entry gained 5+ GCSE‘s at grades A*-C including English and Maths, (the National average was 54%); and at A level, an average point score of 361 UCAS
points per pupil. 

DFE Performance Tables.

Inspection Reports.